Another kinky prototype

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My current situation as a beginner winder since three years is only developing audio transformer prototypes and making a living out of it. Prototypes are a constant way to strive for the best, then some time after, I’m questioning this previously achieved best, breaking it into pieces in order to invent something even better.
To learn anew, one should be able to always question his previous, even if the later has brought him success – this is my philosophy.

Now when it comes to transformers, here is another kinky prototype. My Ultimate 300B SE Output transformer which uses an exotic kind of sectioning. If this idea should work, it will open new frontiers to my personal transformer building flexibility. If not, the coils will face the trash bin. Hehe, hopefully this time I’ve got a backup plan, so no recycling for the poor coils will occur.
This kind of interleaving should permit the equalization of active secondary losses in unavoidable cases of asymmetrical Primary to Secondary structures, where the coil begin with a P layer and ends with an S, or vice versa. Equalization of Rdc of secondary OPT layers is extremely important for a maximum performance, otherwize another type of leakage inductance kicks in.
On top of that, the coil layers aren’t symmetrically connected, but optimized for the lowest P/S capacitance.

Flexibility is a must when designing transformers. Especially for audio transformers, every builder probably knows that many parameters shift together when one is being changed.