The ultimate 300B SE Output transformer

The 300B is probably the most famous output tube around the DIY valve community and some of us get really annoyed from its popularity! I mean seriously, every tube fan I know has talked about the 300B!

ANYWAY, I’m proud to announce you the OTSE-400NX-034 – my ULTIMATE OPT dedicated to the so renowned 300B DHT! Here the best materials are used – nanocrystalline core, OCC copper wire, my latest innovative “mirror winding” for assymetrical sectioning (bla bla) and vibrational tweaks. It just sounds great! It has a 3.4k primary winding impedance and switchable 4R / 9R secondary loads. For further information, check the datasheet below!

A sub-version of this model is also possible with a multi-primary option of 3.4k / 4.1k / 4.9k.

Have fun!